A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Final Fantasy: Chronicles of Eno is a fan game based on the beloved Final Fantasy Franchise, though with an unusual twist.

It is also an adaptation of a long-running Dungeons and Dragons campaign! Created by a team of two developers, a musician and in correspondence with an artist, not to mention the input of the original players, we're dedicated to seeing our dearly held tale come to life in a fun and exciting way!

  • Explore Eno, there are plenty of optional areas to discover...
  • Hidden scenes! Can you unlock the bonus, secret content?
  • A Deep Lore. Eno has a history spreading millennia, all ready to uncover...
  • Your favourite tracks from the Final Fantasy series!
  • Different spell types, use them carefully as you prepare for the limit break!
  • Trophies! Fully compatible with Gamejolt Trophies, so get earning!


Release 0.3.0 Changelog:

  • Several Hours of New Story Content.
  • The Third Face of Pandora's Box.
  • 2 New Large Cities.
  • 3 new Towns and Villages.
  • 5 New Dungeons.
  • New Side Quests.
  • Chocobo Challenges!
  • Gameplay Rebalances.
  • Updated Chapter Selection Menu.
  • New Music.
  • New Unlockable Jobs!
  • New Spells and Abilities.
  • New Items.
  • New Main Menu Variations.


What is the story?

Eno is a continent that is starting to slip into turmoil. The Mithra islands are plagued with a demonic infection, a rogue technologically advanced organisation conducts horrific experiments, crime families tighten their grip on the less developed areas of the landmass... And throughout it all, a figure of legend long thought defeated pulls the strings of the world's destruction.

But the strings of fate are also in motion, five strangers being brought together by complete chance. Each with their own tales unfolding amid the chaos, the five must develop their friendship to survive more than they could possibly imagine.

It is an organic, natural tale crafted from the real interactions of five different people, their own friendship forged right alongside their characters. Help cultivate these five as they did, expertly translated from the tabletop to your screen.



The game controls as many RPG Maker titles do, a top-down perspective controlled with the arrow keys, battles being turn-based. You level up as the story dictates, but you must keep your gear in check and up to standard if you are to have any hope of defeating your foes! From simple mooks to the most dangerous of bosses, each move will need to be carefully considered if you are to prevail.

And beyond simple enemies, so too may you encounter puzzles in the world. Do you have what it takes to contend with the crafty Cogmog the Moogle?



  • Story by - Skijarama, Tom117z, Lumina Starlight, Darkness, Hades Shadow 92
  • Programming and Design by - Skijarama, Tom117z
  • Bug Testing - Blank Page, Phoenix130984
  • Original Art by - RifTheBit, Untitled Expression, Hagalazka
  • Trophy API for RPG Maker MV - Florian van Strien
  • Trophy API 1.6.2 Compatibility Fork - JeffreyDavis

The full list of outsourced assets and other credits are listed in the game's end credits.


Release Schedule:

Due to the scale of the game, and the fact that the campaign, one year later, is still ongoing, Eno will be released chapter by chapter. It will start by chapter 1, then chapter 2 and onwards.

If you keep your save files chapter-by-chapter, your progress will not be lost!


The YouTube Series:


TV Tropes Page:



Final Fantasy - Chronicles of Eno 0.3.0.zip
Final Fantasy - Chronicles of Eno 0.3.0 MAC.zip 628 MB
Final Fantasy - Chronicles of Eno 0.3.0 LINUX.zip 535 MB

Install instructions

Download the file and unzip with either WinRAR or 7ZIP.  Open the unzipped folder and find the game shortcut to play.

Development log

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(2 edits)

This looks like mv.... nice! I use rpg maker so it's nice to see that ALL rpg maker devs aren't lazy. One small thing tho, pls change the controls to WASD.... I can't code js at ALL but with a simple tutorial I did it.

(Maybe not in this game, but in FUTURE project plsssssss)

I had fun playing this and watching you guys on dnd  one it funny cool and see heart you guys put into it

Deleted 4 years ago
(1 edit)

It has integration, optional. That feature is being relegated to the main menu to enable rather than start up on the just-released version.

Actually, aren't you one of the commenters from both gamejolt and RPGmaker.net? You've found your way to all three platforms of release.

Hi, can I appologize in advance of your answer?
I have been on a string of bad luck as far as downloading unplayable games.
The down load asked me for a gamejolt? id and password?
Well I just want stuff simple, is their a work around?
Your game looks interesting but I am just off of a rough surgery and well,
some sorta of aweful crabby I guess
Well I just got frustrated and right now owe you an apology
I still do not understand how to play this when it wants gamejolt info?.
Could you spell it out for me?
Yes, I really am that dense...
chuckle away but I am 60 and am unable to even operate a cell-phone.
I just got frustrated and then I got very rude.
What can I say but I was wrong and appologise to you.

Don't worry about it. As for a workaround, as I said, the version now available for download doesn't ask for a login when you open the program. It's now a thing you can do in the main menu but purely optional.

Putz 569 mb

Um, yes? That would indeed be the file size of the Windows version (though we're looking to trim some stuff, it's still gonna be a large game).

I still don't think the size of the game is a justification, I've seen projects of +30 hours 250 mb, but I'm not correct in evaluating without playing, I'll download it, so I can actually see the quality and why of the size of the game.

Your game is very heavy, having a true size of 690 mb, your audios are very heavy, your image folder is overcrowded with 244 mb, if you filter out some unnecessary ones you can greatly reduce the size of your project. I didn’t play because a user token was requested, but by the screenshoots it’s a common game made with RTP, not that I don’t like RTP I like alias, but if you have knowledge of photoshop it’s worth making some graphical changes, if you just change the color of the grass, your game will change.  From what I saw your project should be 150 mb, I suggest that you make a Backup pass some image files in TYNI PNG, you will gain a lot of space, without losing resources.  It is possible to do this with audios too, but the tip is to have few BGMs or enough.

Some of it also comes from our video files for intros and credits it would seem. We're likely to remove all the default MV music since we aren't using any of it, plus we'll look into TYNI PNG as you suggested. We are looking into it. As for the user token, that can be skipped. Though next update it's being relegated, since it's only for gamejolt trophy integration, to a main menu option rather than on boot.

Also, as another quick note, we are looking into altering more of the tileset from the basic stuff (and have long done some for a scant few tiles, specifically stone around M'Rasu being more white than grey). If we had the time, faster workflow and knowledge, we'd have long made it ourselves. And as it is, custom art is expensive enough, we don't have the money for a full tileset custom made for each zone. But some more colour adjustments isn't a bad suggestion, one which we are having a gander. Obviously, the game is FAR from done, so a lot is subject to change, and already has since 0.1.1.